Glenn Williams recognized by the FAA for 50 years in the aviation industry.
BANGOR, Maine – C&L Aviation Services, a C&L Aviation Group company, is pleased to announce that Glenn Alan Williams has received the Charles Taylor Master Mechanic Award from the FAA, an honor bestowed on aviation mechanics who have reached 50 years of aviation service with at least 30 being as a certified A&P. The award is named in honor of Mr. Charles Taylor, the first aviation mechanic in powered flight and person credited with designing and building the engine for the Wright Brothers first successful aircraft.
“I have had the pleasure of working with Mr. Glenn Williams for over 10 years,” said C&L Director of Maintenance Phil Miholovich. “Throughout that time, Glenn has consistently been the go-to voice of reason and the one who is relied upon to make things happen. If you ask any of Glenn’s peers for their thoughts about him, the resounding answer is that they have the utmost respect for him.”
Williams joined C&L when the company acquired Telford Aviation in 2010 where he had been employed since 2008. Williams also worked parts of his career with American Eagle Airways, Northeast Express Regional, and Continental Express. He also served as a Flight Engineer and Mechanic for the United States Navy from 1968-1988.
“I am amazed that even to this day, after so many years of dedication to aviation, Glenn still takes time to impart life lessons to those around him,” Miholovich said. “— in how he carries himself, his outlook on life and his desire to succeed.”
The FAA was on hand at C&L, Friday, September 13th, 2019 to present Mr. Williams his awards certificate, plaque, and pin in front of a hangar filled with his peers. The FAA also presented a spouse pin to Mr. Williams wife, Lillian Williams.

C&L Aviation Group is an FAA and EASA approved industry leader in servicing, maintaining, and supporting operators in the corporate and regional aviation industry. In addition to aircraft and engine sales and leasing programs, C&L offers parts support, heavy maintenance, interior refurbishment, aircraft teardown, disassembly services, and aircraft management. C&L is headquartered in Bangor, Maine, with international offices in Australia, Singapore, and Europe.